Many popular artist grew from this time period, like Monet and Vangoh. Their art made people happy and forget the hard times. Monet's form of art was more impressionism because of his blurred brush strokes and light in his pictures. These artist became huge during this time period and are still famous today. It is amazing to think about how many things grew from the Industrial Revolution. We would not be the country we are today if it weren't for the IR. - this website has amazing information about anything that was impacted during the Industrial Revolution. If you want to learn more I would suggest this site!
If you have any information about Monet's art or art during the Industrial Revolution please comment on my blog!
~ I hope that this could be of help for some people to get a little glimps of the art during the IR.
You might want to re-read about the Impressionist painters so you can understand what they were trying to achieve in their paintings. Van Gogh was a complete unknown during his lifetime, so he didn't get a chance to "make people happy."
I think if you reseached this topic more thoroughly, you would find that a what you have written misses the most significant impacts of the IR on modern art. Romanticism was born from hostility against the IR and focused primarily on nature. Impressionism showed enormous changes from traditional art, the IR contributed to this in many ways, for example, paint was now available ready made in small tubes which allowed artist to work outside as opposed to in a studio. The main obective of Impressionist artists was to capture a single moment, and they focused more on the reflection of light, the atmosphere, and the artists emotional interpretion of the landscape in that single moment, than realism. Everything you said about Van gogh was wrong. Not trying to be mean, I'm just usure why you would choose to write about something that you are so uneducated about.
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