Here is the results I got from my interview with Mrs. York. Mrs. York started her artist career when she was a little kid. She was always making art and drawing pictures of her friends in class. Instead of paying attention in math or any other class besides art she would draw. Mrs. York also studied art throughout college. Her inspiration is Picasso who is a cubist. Mrs. York likes to take different features of a head and make them her own. She does this by placing them in different places or making them different sizes. Mrs. York has always enjoyed drawing faces. She likes to take an eye or a nose and rearranging it.
Mrs. York also enjoys the artists: Reed Carnel who is a teacher in town, Maxphil Parish and Richard Diebenkorn. Mrs. York’s favorite form of art is abstract. She told me “she likes art that makes her smile”; she does not like art that is serious. Art should be fun and colorful.
I asked Mrs. York if she had any helpful hints on starting an art piece because I know that I have trouble sometimes starting. She gave me wonderful hint for starting an art piece. She says that the reason why people get so intimidated with starting an art piece is the white canvas. The white canvas feels too blank and people don’t know where to start from blank, so she pants all of her canvases black first. This gets hers started with something simple and helps her not feel as intimidated. I thought that this was a brilliant idea and it made me feel like she really knew what she was talking about.
Mrs. York always knew she was an artist but she never knew how being an artist could be a job, she still isn’t sure. To help her get started she took graphic design which she was not crazy about. The graphic design soon led her to her artist career today. Mrs. York meets artists through galleries, painting classes, art shows and online. The best thing about art to Mrs. York is spending time with her daughter in her studio and having long talks also the other best thing about art to her is that it is her passion. Brenda York would paint even if it did not bring in money because she loves doing it and it makes her happy. I feel that that makes her a true artist, loving it and doing it even if it was not her job.
Mrs. York is an amazing artist one of my favorite art pieces of hers is "A Spot of Bother In the Garden" which is her version of Adam and Eve.

view more of Brenda Yorks art at her website:
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